Creation of the Internet

The creation of the Internet has been one of the most groundbreaking technologies our world has seen today. Without the internet you could not even be reading this blog right now! Here is a quick timeline of how the internet came to be leading up to before the World Wide Web was created. 
  • JCR Licklider proposes idea of having a networks of computers communicate
  • 1969
  • The first message from one computer was sent to another using ARPANET(Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) which was the government’s internet network. One computer at UCLA sent a message to another computer at Stanford saying "Login". Only the first two letters were sent but this was the first time any type of messaging between two computers had been successful. 
  • 1969-1970:
  • Other computer networks added all across the world in Hawaii an London to name a few major ones. But there needed to be a way for all computers to communicate even if they were not on the same network. 
  • 1971: 
  • Ray Tomlinson develops Email over the ARPANET. The first messaging system. 
  • Creation of TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) to IP(Internet Protocol) was a way to introduce computers all over the world to each other. Data could be sent to and from computers on all different networks.


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