EOTO Concept: Five Eyes

Five Eyes taken from defensenews.com
Although this concept was not the one I presented on, Five Eyes immediately intrigued me. This could be largely due to the fact that I had absolutely no idea this organization existed. Instead of focusing entirely on the organization's background information which has already been presented on, I wanted to take a look at how Five Eyes has been discussed in the news lately.
For a brief background, The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance between the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. The alliance was created in order to share information such as signals intelligence, military intelligence and human intelligence. There are certain regulations within a country that prohibit a government from spying on civilians, however there are no regulations that prohibit foreign countries from doing so. 
The topic of the Five Eyes has made its way to current headlines in regards to concerns with the Chinese company Huawei, an information and communications tech provider. Huwaei has been under high surveillance lately due to spying rumors. The large telecommunications company has been reported to be spying on people using their technology and networks, although they deny such speculations. The United States is currently in a lawsuit with Huwaei under the terms of breached security reports. Other countries have followed in the United States' footsteps by taking precautionary measures of removing the company from future network opportunities.
Here's where Five Eyes comes in. The UK has agreed to "green-light" Huwaei into network contracts within their country. However, further consideration is being considered in order to retain Five Eyes alliances. Australia, New Zealand and the United States(3 of the Five Eye entities) have already stopped Huwaei network launches in each of their countries. Their concerns on security surpass the need to contract the company. The UK prime minister, Boris Johnson said in regard to their relationship with Huwaei, “I don’t want this country to be hostile to investment from overseas. On the other hand, we cannot prejudice our vital national security interests nor can we prejudice our ability to cooperate with other Five Eyes security partners. That will be the key criterion that informs our decision about Huawei.”
Boris Johnson, British Prime Minister. Photo from CNN.com

Five Eyes was created in 1946 between the US and the Britain, the decision will be a vital role in continuing this 73 year alliance or what could be the first step in hurting it. 


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