We Live In A Mad World

      This video is an incredible visual of the empty, self-absorbed world we sadly are a part of. We are prisoners of our phones, social media and the fake persona we display to the world. We completely value what we show to the world through platforms and altered identities instead of valuing relationships and quality characteristics. 
How sad is it that we hide behind computer screens and phone screens and never truly look at what's in front of us? As a 20 year old college student I cannot tell you how many times I hear, "I can't wait to go to this event this weekend so we can get a good Instagram picture!" We live our lives and judge our characters based upon likes and shares and comments. Pictures we post on social media are truly our "highlight reel" in order to hide the reality and the pain that sometimes life doesn't look like the beautifully posed picture of you on vacation or the picture perfect couple at Disney World. 
     This movie really hits home to me because I see this idea becoming such a problem for people my age and it certainly is not a problem that will be going away. In fact, I strongly believe it will only become increasingly worse as time goes on. Younger generations will be faced with these concerns at an even higher extreme. I hope one day we will be able to value the importance of the things that really matter as opposed to the materialistic, individualized precedent we are setting for ourselves now. 
Okay I have ranted enough now, thanks for reading my TED talk. 


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