Facebook Reveals Updated Company Logo

    On November 5th, Facebook unveiled their new "From Facebook" logo in hopes of giving a face lift to their branding.  The new logo bears a lot of resemblance to the Instagram logo in terms of color hues, which has a lot to do with the fact that Facebook owns Instagram. If you didn't know that, don't worry, 71% of social media users are right there with you. What you also may not know is Facebook
owns 72 other companies such as WhatsApp and Oculus VR. 
   This new logo was created in hopes of establishing a clear distinction between Facebook, the company, and Facebook, the app. With all of the media turmoil behind Facebook's privacy or lack thereof in recent news, the company wanted to create a concept that would increase transparency with users. With that being said, the logo is used to show just how much of a reach Facebook has among media platforms.  Facebook's chief marketing officer, Antonio Lucio, states"People should know which companies make the products they use." This quote served as a catalyst and a purpose behind the company's rationale.  
   Facebook believes this change will clarify their brand as well as help their image in regards to the time of heightened anti-trust allegations towards the company. A CNN Business article reports that 47 of the 50 states are investigating Facebook on the grounds of putting consumer data at risk. Will a small change such as this logo be effective in shaping a new attitude around the company? It's hard to say this early on but the hope for clearer communication between the company and the consumer seems like a small step in the right direction.
  Click on this link to watch a short video I made on Adobe Spark based on a Social Media Today article highlighting  this topic.


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