Antitrust Investigation for Facebook and Google

    Facebook, do we really trust it? Do they really care about their users? Seven states and Washington DC have issued an anti-trust investigation into Facebook. Facebook certainly does not have the best record when it comes to keeping their user's privacy private. The states feel an overwhelming amount of responsibility in order to determine if Facebook's actions put users at risk by "endangering consumer data, reducing the quality of consumer choices or increasing the price of advertising." The investigation will look into data surrounding these three concerns with a large focus on breaking privacy and trust policies with users. 
     With that being said, this investigation also hopes to draw answers to the question if other social media platforms and competing networks are also being affected. The increased risk of harm stemming from Silicon Valley companies is raising a lot of red flags for the population and Facebook is not the sole company getting hit with accusations. Google will also be highly looked at under the microscope. 
     In the near future, I believe we will be seeing a lot more regulatory measures surrounding large technology companies and social media companies. However, in the defense of large tech companies, consumers also need to do their homework and read into terms and conditions pages. It is hard to defend against a technology company who, for the most part, allowed you to read what you were getting yourself into. I think policymakers and tech company owners have a lot of work to do in order to gain the trust of the people while also making sure that the policies do not infringe upon the rights of the companies. 
     All in all I do not think Facebook and Google have consumer's best interest in mind, a consumer is a mere set of dollar signs to them. 


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