Week 2: The Supreme Court

           The Supreme Court I the highest level court in the United States. This Court has seen incredible amount of change and influence over the course of the last 200 years. This video Supreme Court Video gives a noteworthy insight into the history of the Court as well as personal stories and reflections directly from the justices themselves. 
            It is important to note that truly what kick started the grand influence of the Supreme Court was the Marbury v. Madison case of 1803. John Marshall had just been named the Chief Justice and under his term, the Court had struck down an act of Congress and deemed it unconstitutional. FOR THE FIRST TIME! This was a landmark case in the country’s understanding of judicial review. This case set a precedent for future Courts and justices, shaping the judicial courts into what we know today.
            Today’s Supreme Court functions under the same purpose which is to resolve national problems. However, today’s Court sees an increased number of case proposals and submissions. Over 7,000 cases are received per year and only 100-150 are heard. The Justices take the time to review each individual submission following with weekly meetings and conferences to discuss their reviews and further decide which cases to hear.

            My favorite part of the video was when each of the Justices take the time to provide strong insight to the life of a Supreme Court Justice inside and outside of the courtroom. A common trend they all seemed to discuss was how intimidating it was when they were first brought onto the Court. One of them even made the comment that it takes four to five years to truly feel comfortable in the job you’re doing.


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